Friday, October 17, 2014

A Letter To My Son

My sweet little guy,

I just finished taking a test. I'm so close to getting my Bachelor's Degree. I find the strength to continue doing school knowing that at the end of the semester, I'll be just days from meeting you. Since finding out that I was pregnant, my views on school have changed. I used to just want to be done with school, and though I still do, I realize that school is no longer only for me. It's for you. Everything I do is for you. I hope some day you will know that.

Right now, your daddy is at work. He works so hard so that he can provide for you and me. His work is never done. He comes home from a long day of work and then he does his schooling online. This is not ideal, but he does it for us. The best gift your dad has given me is the opportunity to be able to stay home with you and be your mommy. I know that if it were possible, he would stay home with us too. But he works so that I can stay home with you and teach you all the things that you need to know. Just wait til you meet your dad, he is gonna be one great daddy! I remember that the first thing that drew me to your dad was how happy he always was. It was like when I was around him, I had to be happy because his happiness filled the room, it was contagious. I hope you inherit that from him. Your dad has the biggest, most beautiful heart and the best laugh! He's the best man I've ever known.

As I continue to count down the days until I get to meet you, I am so grateful for the now. Right now you are growing inside of me. And though I long to meet you, I'm glad that you have a safe place to grow until you are ready to come into this great big world. I'm thankful that I get to be the one to provide that safe place for you. I hope that you will always feel that you have a safe place to reside, even if it's just our little apartment. The emotional bond that I already feel towards you is nothing short of wonderful. I've had dreams about you and I feel that through them, I get to know you before I've actually met you. I wonder about the little boy that I see in my dreams.Will he look/ act more like his dad or his mom? Though I have a feeling you'll be a miniature version of your dad, I still hope to see some of myself in you!

You are so loved. Momma loves you. Dadda loves you. May you always know, my little one, that you were wished for, longed for, prayed for, and wanted. I hope you don't ever question that. The day we found out that I was pregnant with you was the happiest day of my life. I've been preparing to be a mom ever since I was a little girl. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your mom! I know we are going to have so much fun together. And though being a first time mom scares me, I know that the Lord will help me to be the best mom that I can be for you. If there's one thing I want to teach you that I hope sticks with you throughout your life, it's to put God first. He will never abandon you and he will love you with an unconditional love. Make sure that you are constantly trying to have a better relationship with him and you will be so blessed for that. Get to know him on a personal basis and let him be your best friend. And let your heart, sweetheart, be your compass when you're lost. You should follow it wherever it may go. When it's all said and done, you can walk instead of run, cause no matter what, you'll never be alone.

I hope that you look up to your dad and I's marriage and that we will be a good example to you of how marriage should be. I want you to know that I love your dad more than life itself and I feel so blessed that he is mine. I need you to know that I will always put your dad and I's relationship above all. Just like you and I have a special bond, your dad and I do too, and we need to be able to continue to grow that bond if we want to be good parents to you. He's going to be such a good dad. There will be lots of laughter and silly dancing when dad's around. I want the best for you, and if that means me sacrificing in order to give you everything you need, so be it. I want you to be a dreamer, just like your daddy. Dream big, little one. You can be anything you want to be.

All my love, your mom

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