Tuesday, October 7, 2014

22 Fall Date Ideas

Fall is probably my favorite time of the year! So, when fall comes around, I usually make a bucket list of different fall date ideas that would be fun to do. So the hubs and I sat down a few days ago and made a list of 22 things that we want to do this fall. Some we want to do before Halloween and some we would rather do after. But I always love looking for new and fun date ideas, whether it's a Saturday afternoon date or a night-time date. I'm constantly bugging Taylor about going and doing fun stuff this fall and taking lots of pictures to document. haha So hopefully with this list, we'll actually do most of them! And the best thing about this list is that most of the dates are free or don't cost a lot of money, so they're perfect for anyone! Here's my list:
  • Carve/ decorate pumpkins. Carving pumpkins is the typical fall date, but I also added decorating pumpkins because some people don't like getting all the gunk out of the pumpkins and getting all slimy! haha
  • Go to a corn maze. Sometimes it's just fun to go and get lost in a corn maze with your lover!
  • Go to a haunted house/ haunted hayride. Because when you're scared, it's the perfect excuse to get close with the person you love....Especially if they're scared too! haha
  • Go on a fall foliage drive. There is nothing prettier than going for a drive and seeing all of the leaves on the trees changing colors.
  • Do a Harry Potter movie marathon. Fall just makes me think of Harry Potter, so it's the perfect time of year to do this date! But you have to do it the right way with some homemade butterbeer. :) Recipe included here.
  • Make haunted gingerbread houses. Got the idea to do this date from here. It's pretty much just like making gingerbread houses for Christmas, except it's a spooky version. 
  • Go on a hayride. 
  • Do a bookstore date. Find out more about this date here. (Can you tell that I'm a fan of the Dating Divas?)
  • Go watch the sunset/ do a stargazing date with hot cocoa.
  • Go to an orchard and get some apples, then come home and bake a pie or an apple dessert together. Yum! While everybody else loves everything pumpkin flavored in the fall, I love anything apple flavored.
  • Make a cream cheese pumpkin loaf together. Even though I'm not a huge fan of pumpkin flavored desserts, this is really good!
  • Pick out Halloween costumes together. This one's pretty self-explanatory. Who doesn't want to pick the most awesome couples costume!?
  • Make or go get caramel apples. (Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory's caramel apples are the best and they have a pretty good selection.)
  • Go to a BYU football game! Any college football game will do, BYU is just what we prefer since we have season tickets :)
  • Go Black Friday shopping. So we included this one because neither Taylor or I have ever gone Black Friday shopping before. We figured we'd see what all the hype is about.
  • Make apple cider floats. These sound so good! Would be a perfect date to make these and watch a scary movie with some caramel corn.
  • Go on a scenic chairlift ride. If you live by a ski resort, sometimes they'll do scenic chairlift rides. I think it would be fun to see all the scenery. If you live in Utah, I know that Park City does this for about $12 per person, but only until October 19th!
  • Go on a picnic to the park. Because picnic's aren't just for summer! 
  • Go check out a local farmer's market.
  • Watch netflix and do breakfast in bed. The weather is getting colder, so a perfect Saturday morning activity would be to watch some of your favorite shows together in bed and make some breakfast together.
  • Do a 13 Going on 30 date. You can watch the movie and then go track down some razzles and swing on the swings. :)
  • Watch a movie outside. This just seems like it would be fun! You can use your phone as a projector if you don't have a real projector. (tutorial here)
Feel free to comment to me on any other Fall date ideas that you have! I love hearing new ones :) 

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