Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Netflix/ Breakfast In Bed Date

With the weather getting more chilly this time of year, I have the perfect Saturday morning date for you guys! And very little goes into planning for this date, pretty much no planning at all. And it's a free date! It just keeps getting better, right? Okay picture this:

It's a Saturday morning and you're exhausted from working all week and you just want to relax. So, you sleep in a little bit and when you wake up, you just stay in bed. Then you proceed to eat breakfast in bed and watch some Netflix while snuggling up to your hubby. Yep, sounds pretty perfect to me.

This is what Taylor and I did over the weekend. It's nice because all throughout the week, Taylor has to be at work by 7 and I have classes that start at 9 every day, so we don't really get to see much of each other in the morning. Then, we come home from work and school and are working on homework or studying all night. So, Saturday morning's are the one day where we are perfectly content sleeping in and just hanging out for a little bit before we get done what we need to get done. We spent this Saturday in particular, eating some cereal while watching the new show "How To Get Away With Murder." The show definitely intrigues me, but I haven't decided how much I like it or not yet. It's very interesting and keeps you on the edge of your seat, but there are a few parts about it that I don't really like. Some of the students are willing to do some pretty crazy things just to get their teacher to remember their names. But overall, it's really suspenseful and I like it for the most part.

One way to switch up this date would be to spend the morning in bed catching up on a favorite show and then going out to breakfast. We actually considered doing this, but decided on a more lazy Saturday haha. Hope you enjoy some quality snuggle time with your hubs or significant other! :)

P.S. Can you guess whose cereal is whose? haha

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