Saturday, July 11, 2015

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

I can't think of a date night more suited for summer than going to a baseball game. Waaay back when I was in highschool (a whole 5 years ago) there was a minor league baseball team that played just a few minutes from my house. I remember going one time with a boy that I liked and some of my friends with boys that they liked. Every Friday in the summer was Firework Friday, so after the game we would wait and watch the fireworks... and if you were lucky, your crush would put his arm around you while you watched. ;) Let's be games are long, so that's all we really went to the games for. haha But even if we didn't actually go to the game, we would sometimes go up to the parking lot of the movie theater that looked over the baseball field and watch the fireworks from the mountain. So, on our to do list of fun things to do this summer, a baseball game was definitely on the list! With temperatures soaring in the triple digits for the last few weeks, we decided to wait it out until the weather got to be a little more bearable. Tonight was the perfect night to go. We got the general admission tickets, so we spread out our blankets and sat on the lawn. It was nice to sit on the grass and watch the game while talking to my in-laws. I heard quite a few stories about when Tay used to play baseball and football. I could listen to those stories all day long. And Gage had the BEST time laying on the blanket and grabbing handfuls of grass! haha It was nice for us to be able to get out of the house and go do something though. Gage and I were both getting a little bit stir crazy. The temperature has been so high lately that anytime I tried to leave the house to even go for a walk to the grocery store (a block away), by the time we got there, we had to walk around the air conditioned store for a few minutes before bearing the heat again. So it was a much needed night out for sure! Hopefully the weather will cooperate so that we can have a lot more of these fun little outings. Happy weekend!

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