June 21, 1992 was the day that I was born. That day just happened to be Father's Day as well. Each year around this time, I joke with my family and say that I was the best Father's Day present my dad could have gotten because after having two boys, I was his little girl. But this blog post is not about me by any means, it is about a very influential man in my life, my dad. Can I just start off by saying how grateful I am for my him? Despite the disagreements on my wearing makeup and wearing my hair a certain way, me and my dad have always gotten along and he has taught me some very important life lessons.
My dad is very good with managing finances and saving nearly every single dime that he makes. On numerous occasions he has tried to teach me this important lesson. But being a girl, it is in my nature to want to spend my money on shopping. I think when I came out to college I realized that I should have spent a little more time paying attention when he taught me about the importance of saving my money. I hope to someday be as good of a saver as he is.
Another thing about my dad that I love is that he is a people person. He can start up a conversation with just about anybody. I remember growing up, whenever we would go somewhere, my dad always knew somebody. It seemed to me like he knew everybody within a twenty mile radius of our house. As a little girl, I wished that I could have that many friends someday. I admire him for his people skills.
My dad is also a very good instructor. He teaches archery and is patient with the younger children, but strict when they are not listening or just choose to disobey. Archery was one activity that every single member of my family was involved in, and I loved that. We would go to archery tournaments and have our own support/cheering section. Of course you don't really cheer in archery, but that's beside the point.
My dad always made it to any event or activity in my life that I considered important. I was a cheerleader in high school, and even though he made fun of me for that and called me a "ditzy cheerleader," he never once missed a game. He attended every single dance recital that I have been in, and I took at least 10-12 years of dancing. I know that guys are not very interested in watching dance recitals and that they would much rather be watching basketball, but he came without fail every year. Deep down, I think he secretly liked watching me dance. :)
I feel like I don't really look like anybody in my family, but people have told me that I look just like my dad. Of course, I take this as a compliment because my dad was known as quite a fox back in the day. I remember him telling us stories about when he was younger and how he would get in fights with guys at school and I remember thinking that was really cool. And as I mentioned earlier, he would call me a ditzy cheerleader, which meant that it was only appropriate that I called him out for being a dumb jock in highschool.
There's one really funny story that comes to mind whenever I think about my dad. We were swimming in the pool one day when I was little and had just gotten out. Normally, when you just get out of the pool, your hair is all weird and stringy. My dad commented that I looked like a "drowned rat." My reply was "Well you look like a drowned rat with glasses." Haha.
With Father's Day being tomorrow, I wanted to take this time to let my dad know how much he means to me. I'm so excited to be able to see him and the rest of my family in about 41 days. I miss and love you all and can't wait to see you ! Happy Father's Day dad !<3
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