Saturday, October 11, 2014

26 week bumpdate!

The moment I have been waiting for has finally arrived. I am officially in my 3rd trimester as of yesterday! (27 weeks) I feel like that's such a huge milestone. 2/3 of the way done. In just 13 short weeks I get to meet my cute baby boy :) And I know it's not a good thing to wish my days away, but I seriously am so anxious to meet him already! I spend all of my time thinking about if he's gonna look more like Taylor or more like me, what his personality will be like, the qualities he'll inherit from me and those from Taylor, etc. I have my hunches that he's gonna be a miniature version of Taylor, but I'm hoping he at least gets some things from me! Like my love for reading :) Anyways, here's my 26 week (last week's) bumpdate! :)

How far along? 26 weeks

Baby size? A head of lettuce

Total weight gain? 16 pounds! Doctor says I'm right on track with my weight gain during pregnancy. I'm just hoping I stay within the normal 25-35 pound range! haha

Maternity Clothes? I'm pretty much always in maternity pants because they're so comfy haha since it's fall, my sweaters and cardigans still fit, but I still occasionally wear some maternity tops.

Due date? January 9th!

Gender: little boy :)

Name: We have a few picked out, but we want to wait to decide on one for sure until we meet our little guy :)

Symptoms: Lately at night, I've been getting some acid reflux. Definitely not fun. I'm also having a harder time bending down to put on my shoes.

Cravings: BYU creamery's mint chocolate brownies!, arby's melts, ginger ale.

Aversions: The smell of taco bell makes me a little nauseous but other than that, nothing!

Sleep: I've had a harder time getting to sleep, mostly because of the acid reflux. This might sound weird, but there was one day this week where I was awake at like 6 am when Taylor was getting ready to get up for work and I totally couldn't remember if I'd even fallen asleep to that point. Weird right?

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