Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today I am Thankful

So I know this post is about 2 weeks too late, but better late than never right? I just wanted to share an experience that happened on Black Friday when I was at work. Right after we closed, I was sweeping. Under one of the tables was a notepad with a child's handwriting that said, "I'm thankful for the great life I have and just for breathing." It was just so humbling to me to read those words and know that a child wrote them. For children, it's so simple. I think adults need to have that kind of mindset. How often do we stop and think about the simple things, like being thankful for every breath that we take? If you're like me, a full-time college student, worker of 2 jobs, and a newlywed, probably not very often. Life is busy, but it's important to pause and be grateful for all that we have. So today, I'd like to take the opportunity to list just a few (in a very large list of things) that I'm thankful for.

Freshly fallen snow



Good books 


The sweet boy that I tutor

My amazing husband

Christmas music

The gospel

Oversized sweaters/ shirts


Scented candles

Netflix & cuddling

Hot Cocoa with marshmallows

What are you thankful for? Happy Monday....Well I guess Tuesday, everyone!

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