Saturday, November 8, 2014

30 Week Bumpdate/ Halloween!

I promise, I totally have a good reason for being so behind on my posts. MIDTERMS. Ugh, just a few more weeks until I'm done with my Bachelor's Degree. Just gotta keep on keepin on. I really cannot wait to be done because it brings me so much closer to meeting my cute little guy! And then I get to be a stay at home momma and don't have to worry about school until I find out where/if I've been accepted to grad school. Don't even get me started on that because it brings my stress to a whole other level. Oh and how about this- I had to pay $200 to take the GRE, which is fast approaching. (Fingers crossed that I do as well as I'd like.) I think they should be paying me to take the test haha but whatever gets me closer to being a Speech-Pathologist!

Anyway, let's get onto the 30 week bumpdate. So I turned 30 weeks on Halloween. And for the longest time leading up to Halloween, I was trying to find Tay and I the perfect costume. I know there's a big trend for pregnant ladies to paint their stomachs on Halloween, but I decided that I wanted to try and look for a cute costume for me and Tay- and I think I succeeded! We went as the 50's housewife and the milkman. And the best part was that we had everything we needed for the costumes already. Simple. :) Well, here's the 30 week bumpdate plus some pictures of our Halloween costumes. Hope you enjoy!

How far along? 30 weeks! 75% of the way done!

Baby size? size of a large cabbage

Trimester? 3rd and final, ladies and gents!

Due date? January 9th

Gender? baby boy :)

Cravings? rocky road ice cream, vanilla coke, pizza, still anything chocolate- so that is very much welcomed if you feel so inclined :) haha

Movement? This little guy is so active! Up until this point his favorite times to kick momma have been right when she's trying to sleep haha but he's been moving a lot more throughout the day. Sometimes it seriously feels like he's playing the xylophone on my ribs, but I love feeling him move. :)

How I'm feeling? I have been so blessed with this pregnancy. I didn't get nauseous and wasn't throwing up throughout the first two trimesters. And this trimester, all I have to complain about is some acid reflux- which is usually only bad at night. And all it takes is some tums to make me feel better. You better believe I carry those with me wherever I go haha.

I have been feeling rather large lately, but that was bound to come at some point. It's weird not being able to do things that I would normally be able to do- like put on my own shoes. I still can, it's just a lot harder for me to bend down, so it's a lot easier to just have the husby help me out. But the good news? I haven't started waddling yet, which is a definite plus in my book! haha

Nursery? It's a work in progress. Hoping to be done with it in the next few weeks :) I'm really excited about seeing all of my ideas come together for it though, a vintage cars theme is every little boys (and my husbands) dream.

Belly button in or out? Still in, but it's getting closer to being out.

Weight gain? 20 pounds. I'm hoping to stay under 35! Fingers crossed haha

--Until next time :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Taylor Swift-1989

Two words ladies and gentlemen, Taylor Swift. She has done it again.

Taylor Swift's new album, 1989 came out this week! And whether you love her or hate her, you have to admit that she's incredibly talented. I am a hardcore T. Swift groupie. I've loved her since she came out with her first album. I loved her album, RED and 1989 is even better. I can't believe that every single time she comes out with a new album, it's better than her last. That's a tough thing to do, but she comes out on top without fail every. single. time.

When her song Shake It Off hit the radio stations a few months ago, a lot of people were undecided on how they felt about it. I loved it right off the bat. I love that she can make fun of herself and totally doesn't care what people think about her. And the fact that she decided to go completely pop and stray away from country- I think it was a good choice. This album seriously has a song that everyone can relate to. You can even ask the hubs. We were totally jamming to it yesterday in the car after we picked it up and pretty much for the entire rest of the night. Needless to say, it will be my jam of choice while I'm driving to class all week. So, if you haven't picked up her new album, 1989 yet, run, don't walk, to your nearest target and pick one up. I dare you to tell me that you don't love it. Happy listening!