From the first moment that I saw Taylor, I knew that he was somebody that I wanted to know and that he would be someone worth getting to know. There was just something about him that before I even met him, I felt like I already knew him.
I'm going to have to disagree with the statement that "curiosity killed the cat," because my curiosity gave me a different perspective on life. After meeting Taylor, I sometimes feel like my reason for existence was to find Taylor. We all have some sort of idea of the kind of man that we want. Sometimes, we make these huge lists of qualities that we want and if a guy doesn't have one, it could potentially be a deal breaker. All my life, I thought I had this idea in my head of what the perfect man for me would be like, and my imagination was pretty creative with that, but Taylor is everything that I imagined, magnified 10 times. He is so much more than I could have ever hoped for. He completes me. I found the man that I am going to be sealed to for time and all eternity.
I told a friend of mine not too long ago, that Taylor and I plan on getting married. She looked at me as if I were a lunatic. I tried to explain to her that I was certain that I was going to marry him, and she was even more baffled. She was so interested in what I had to say, and I wasn't quite sure why. She explained to me that normally, when people have been dating for a long time, usually a few years, they work up to the idea of marriage. When they feel as though they have hit a certain point in their relationship, that's when they start thinking about marriage. She said that for me to say that I was certain that he was the one for me was kind of crazy because for a lot of people, their mindset isn't "he is the one that I want to spend time and all eternity with," but most others see it as,"at this moment, I'm satisfied with where we are in this relationship, so let's get married because it's the next step." Most people work up to marriage, but it worked out differently for me. Marriage was the last thing that I ever thought I would be having to worry about at this point in my life, I'm 19 years old. But the Lord's plan for me tells me differently. I know that I am going to marry Taylor. There is a song that I feel like describes Taylor and I's situation quite well. In the song, I love you this big by Scott McCreery, it says:
I know I'm still young,
but, I know how I feel
I might not have too much experience
but, I know when love is real
By the way my heart starts pounding
When I look into your eyes
I might look a little silly
Standing with my arms stretched open wide
I love you this big
Eyes have never seen.. this big
No one's ever dreamed.. this big
And I'll spend the rest of my life
Explaining what words cannot describe but, I'll try
I love you this big.
I know that I'm about 7 years younger than the average national age for girls getting married, but I know what I'm doing. I know what love is, and I know that I love Taylor, with every fiber of my being, I might add. There was one night when we were just watching a movie, and I turned my head to look at Taylor, and he was already looking at me. We stared at each other for a moment, and then I just got a rush and knew that it was right. It has been made very clear to me through various other experiences, such as the one just mentioned. Even just as simple as that one was.
With Taylor, everything just feels right. Due to a past relationship, I have struggled with being able to just be me, to be my complete self around others, and not try to change to fit their likes. I still struggle with opening up to people a little bit. With Taylor, I don't have to try, I am just always myself with him. When my mom met Taylor for the first time, she told me that day that she liked the person that I was when I was with Taylor, because she could tell how happy I was, and she knows better than anyone that if there's one person I can always be myself around, it's him. That was huge for me. I'm going to use another song to describe how I feel about him as well. In the song God Gave Me You by Blake Shelton, it says:
...And I need you
God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
And for when I think I lost my way
There are no words here left to say, its true
God gave me you
On my own I’m only
Half of what I could be
I can’t do without you
We are stitched together
And what love has tethered
I pray we never undo
Taylor makes me a better person. We are stronger together, than we are apart. You'd think that after spending day after day together, for hours and hours at a time, you would get sick of someone. Nope. We're different in that way too. We really don't get sick of each other, which is good because we both prefer to spend all day, every day together. Almost 5 months ago, Taylor and I had our first date. I don't think I ever imagined that things would turn out as they have, but I do know that this has been the happiest 5 months of my life. We have had to endure being separated at opposite ends of the United States for a few weeks, but that only made our love for each other stronger, and the time that we spent together when we saw each other again, more precious. I'm not sure if they will ever read this, but I would just like to take a second and thank Taylor's parents for raising their son to be the man of my dreams. Taylor speaks so highly of all of his family members and it is evident that family is of utmost importance to him. Also, his siblings for being accepting of me. Before I meet another of Taylor's siblings, I always get really nervous, and fear that they won't like me, and Taylor knows that. He tells me not to worry about it and says that his family loves me already. I tell him that's impossible because they haven't even met me. He replies by telling me that he knows they're going to love me because they can all tell how much he loves me.
There was one night when Taylor and I didn't get to see each other for as long as we would have liked because I had a big test coming up the next day and I was studying all night for it. Taylor was texting me, and when I was finally too tired and couldn't study anymore, I told him that I was going to go to bed. He said "wait one second, okay?" A minute later, I heard a knock on my bedroom window. I pulled up the blinds, and Taylor was standing there. He came to my window to tell me goodnight, and as he was leaving, he handed me a note that said, I love you. Little things like this, make me fall in love with Taylor all over again. He opens the car door for me every time we get in the car, he comes to take care of me when I'm not feeling good, he walks me to and from class, he dances with me in parking lots when no music is playing, and he shows me that he loves me each and every day. Every girl deserves to have a guy like this, and I have been so blessed by him. I can't wait to spend forever with him. I love you, Taylor. <3