So, Taylor and I found out last week that we have been approved to live in Cougar Court Married Housing in September! And Can I just say how excited I am !? The apartments are 2 bedrooms, unfurnished, but they are so cute! I'm getting so excited to start moving all of our stuff into OUR cute little apartment and starting a new chapter in my life. AND I can't wait to decorate it and make it home. :) I think that sometimes people think that I'm cutting my life short and that I should be out there experiencing the normal life of a college student, but I've never really been into that. I have not regret for one second the decision that I have made.
Dance has always kind of played into mine and Taylor's relationship. We met in a social dance class. The night that I fell in love with Taylor, which also happened to be the night before Taylor told me he loved me for the first time, Taylor and I were sitting on the sidewalk of an empty church parking lot, talking, and he asked me to dance with him, with no music playing. My heart basically melted. I thought it was quite possibly the cutest thing in the world. Also, when Taylor proposed, I walked into the room and heard music playing and he asked me to dance with him. I started crying, A LOT. And the thing is, I definitely knew that Taylor would propose the day he did. I know Taylor VERY well, and the night before, I knew that he had talked to my dad and asked him for my hand in marriage. I knew that Taylor would not wait one day more than he had to to propose. But at the same time, I was so caught off guard when it actually did happen! But back to the story, After the waterfalls stopped running from my eyes, he led me over to a table that was nicely set with a cute tablecloth and rose petals scattered all around the floor, with a single red rose on my plate. The rose was also significant because the day that he told me he loved me for the first time, he brought me a single red rose.He pulled out my chair for me and I sat down and the next thing I knew, he was on one knee. I couldn't help it, the waterworks started again and didn't stop for a good 10 minutes. It was so beautiful and it was by far the best moment of my entire life. After he gave me the most beautiful ring, we sat and enjoyed a candlelit dinner with sparkling cider ! I love me some sparkling cider :) haha. But anyways, just last week, Taylor and I went for a drive and we ended up back at the same parking lot where he had asked me to dance the first time, and he asked me to dance again. This time though, there was music playing in his truck. In that moment, I was brought back to all of the amazing memories we spent together, just dancing, the two of us, as if the world slowed down for just a minute and we were the only two people around. I cried, again. Taylor constantly surprises me with how romantic he is sometimes.
That moment made me look back at our relationship and see how much we've grown. It also made me look forward to our marriage even more. Within the first few days that I was back out in Idaho, I got extremely sick. I couldn't stand up because the pain was too much to handle. I couldn't eat because that only made it worse. The only thing I could do was lie down on the couch, curled up in a ball, hoping that I wouldn't move too much for fear that the pain would get worse. Taylor took care of me. He ran to the store and got me medicine and sprite to help settle my stomach. He got me blankets when I was cold, he made me breakfast, even though I couldn't eat much, and he just sat there with me, stroking my hair. I am so blessed. I really couldn't have asked for a better guy.
Oh and another thing that has been fun these last few days is that we've
been looking and trying to decide where we're going to go on our
honeymoon. I think we've finally decided...CANCUN! So exciting, right !?
I told Taylor that when we're both done with school and making big
bucks, our next vacation is Bora Bora. :) haha.
The little things, like getting approved for an apartment, and registering for items for my future home, and wedding planning, lots and lots of wedding planning, but taking it piece by piece, are allowing me to look forward so much to August 31st, when I am sealed to the love of my life for time and all eternity. I also look forward to being a mother, sometime in the distant future. But first, being a wife, and a good wife at that. I have this vision in my mind that I will wake up and cook Taylor breakfast before we both head off to school or work.We will kiss hello and goodbye. We will overuse "I love you's." We will go on dates every week. He will take care of me when I'm sick and I'll iron his shirts when they're wrinkled. It will be wonderful. And best of all, I won't have to spend one more day without my best friend. :)
I'm so glad all the years taylor went to stake dances paid off! :) it was so fun to read your proposal story bc I had actually never heard it! You guys are so cute!