So, I totally wrote this and meant to post it last week! But, I've discovered some new obsessions, so I thought that I would share them with you. :)
1. The Avengers
I went into this movie thinking that I wasn't going to like it, but we went because I knew that Taylor was really dying to see it. (I put him through a lot of chick flicks...I'm convinced that he secretly likes it though) The movie was almost 2 and a half hours long, but you wouldn't think it was that long because there is always something going on. I thought that it was a pretty fast paced movie and I was so interested in it. Most of the time in movies, I find myself not getting completely into it until a quarter or halfway through the movie, so I check my phone to see the time. I didn't check my phone once during this movie, that's when you know a movie is good. :) Not to mention that the men in this movie, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Junior, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans = definite eyecandy. haha. Just kidding, Taylor's the only man for me. :) I'm pretty sure that the hulk was in my two favorite parts of the movie too. If you haven't seen it, then definitely GO SEE IT. I promise you won't regret it!
2. White Cheddar Popcorn
So, we were at the cheap theater this past week seeing the Hunger Games and for some reason, I was just really craving popcorn. I usually don't crave popcorn. Then, I noticed that they had a couple of different popcorn seasonings. There was nacho cheese, caramel, butter, and white cheddar. I was feeling adventurous, so I decided to try one. I tried the white cheddar and I fell in love. It is my newest obsession. That night, I went to Broulim's and bought the popcorn seasoning. I've had popcorn every day since. YUM.
3. Harry Potter Weekend
Harry Potter Weekend on ABC family is the most amazing thing of my life. When I was in 7th grade, I was THE BIGGEST harry potter nerd. I read all the books, more than once, I watched all of the movies, I had a Harry Potter trivia game, a levitating challenge game, I had Harry and Hermione dolls, I won a Harry Potter basket at a Summer Reading Party, get the picture? I think I actually convinced myself that I would be receiving a Hogwarts Acceptance Letter. OH, and I had the biggest crush on Ron Weasley. But anyways, I went to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter part 2 last summer with my roommate Emily, who loves Harry Potter as much as/ more than I do. I actually cried when the last movie was over. Harry Potter was such a huge part of my childhood. So, this weekend was Harry Potter weekend, and as you can imagine, much of my weekend consisted of watching Harry Potter movies. Whenever I watch Harry Potter, I suddenly think I'm british and start talking in an accent. This is another reason why I love HP weekend, it gives me an excuse to talk in a british accent! SCORE. And currently, on my bucket list, I have that I want to go to Harry Potter World. It will happen sometime in the next year or two, I'm hoping. Fingers Crossed ! I'm pretty sure that from here on out, whenever it's Harry Potter Weekend, I will treat it like a holiday and have a party and dress up and make HP butterbeer cupcakes and the works, just for funzies. :) Oh and P.S. Guess what Taylor got me for Christmas? THE ENTIRE HARRY POTTER MOVIE COLLECTION. That's right, best fiance ever.

So, for my American Epidemic Science class, we are required to do at least 2 outdoor activities with the school so that we learn to do things that we wouldn't normally have done to be active outside. Ever since I was younger, I have wanted a horse! So, naturally, I picked horseback riding for one of my activities. :) And Taylor came with me, so it was definitely a fun time.So, we got there and the men that owned the horses started pairing us up with our horse. I was the LAST person to be paired with my horse. My horse was a beautiful horse, and his name was Rat. haha. My horse was a lot like me...indecisive! At first, we were at the back of the line of horses. That lasted for about 2 minutes. Apparently Rat decided that he wanted to be the front runner, so he galloped all the way to the front! And Taylor just happened to be the person at the front of the line, so it ended up working out. :) I have to admit, I was a little bit scared when my horse starting galloping to the front, in my mind, I could just picture me on my horse's back and him running away into the wilderness and nobody even realizing I was gone! That's when I realized that I needed to let Rat know who the boss was. haha. Every few minutes, he would stop moving and want to start eating the grass, so I was told that when he did that, I needed to pull up on the reigns and not let him. I'm pretty sure this caused Rat to have a love/hate relationship with me. haha. Then, Rat's indecisiveness came into play again, because he kept letting all the other horses get in front of him in line. He went from being all the way in the back, to being at the very front of the line, to letting all of the horses get ahead of him and being in the middle of the line. Overall, I was so excited to have gone horseback riding ! I would definitely recommend it ! AND, we got to check it off of our date list! Woohoo ! :)
He's the cutest.
Rat :)
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